Thread: EAC question
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Old 2007-12-24, 12:01 PM
artatore artatore is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
EAC question

OK, I had been using EAC to check my audios for being possibly mp3 sourced...
The defenition is easy - if it has any black spots - it is mp3 sourced, right!?
If there ain't any - it is mp3 free, right!?
However, I came across a bootleg that has one very thin red and yellow line that goes along 16000 on the graph. What does this thin red and yellow line mean??
That is like the one bootleg I had seen have that in my entire collection...
What does it look like if it is DAT sourced?
DAT is not same as mp3, must look differently...
I am sure this is not only my question.
Thanx everyone.
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