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Old 2006-01-31, 02:04 PM
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ssamadhi97 ssamadhi97 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Old Europe
Re: Radio spectrum doesn't look right. Soundblaster did this?

All right, thanks for providing another sample.

The little "spikes" you see are indeed different from those on many MD sources - they occur every 20ms (as opposed to 12ms for MD), so 50 times per second. I'd suspect that this might've been caused by the power supply of an analog device in the lineage.

Be that as it may, the holes in the spectrum strongly hint at lossy compression somewhere down the line (as Five said).

My guess would be something like "recorded from the analog output of a digital radio receiver". The other alternative, a straight FM broadcast recording (so basically something where both lossy compression and decompression happened before the material went on air), would not explain the absence of a stereo pilot tone (like Five mentioned, too).
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