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Old 2005-10-24, 03:40 PM
sadu sadu is offline
Join Date: Jun 2005
Re: Report all ratio issues here

I'm getting really fed up with this tracker.

uploaded 14 GB for a sts9 DVD this week. No credit
uploaded 6 GB for treyDVD. No credit
dowloaded 1.5GB for treyDVD uploaded 3.5 ..showed up as 2.5GB DL 1.5 UL

I have been keeping my eye on the stats for the last few weeks. I was starting to think it was ME

I even go to the point of writting down the UL/DL for each torrent and the overall UL/DL and then comparing it to the site. It's never correct. I think that these new trackers that are coming out are beta..not to say that I'm not enjoying the new features becuase I am. I'm just pointing out that they're not perfect.

I don't think anyone here really cares if you have a 0.78 or a 1.15. Firstly it just isn't possible to go 1:1 for everything. Secondly, there's a lot of ways to share. I like to burn 3/4 copies and just surprise a friend with a killer show.

So lets all say "cheers" and not worry about stats!
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