Thread: Grading?
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Old 2009-07-30, 01:34 PM
MikeFishcake MikeFishcake is offline
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Manchester, UK
Question Grading?


I've had a look around for a few minutes on here and haven't managed to find anything about grading.

Basically, I've been slowly building up my DVD collection in the last few years, but I'm now looking at DVD trading a bit more, so I need to become a bit more savvy with the sort of info that traders use.

I'm a bit confused about grading - are there any generally accepted guidelines about it? I mean, obviously A+ is top quality, but how far down does it go really? Is something like C grade average, or does it mean absolute crap?

If there are any threads / pages on grading, feel free to gimme the link!


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