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Old 2005-12-19, 03:56 PM
jazzbo jazzbo is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Re: Cue sheets, disc images, tag info and online databases

Originally Posted by aegert
I'll be the linux fanboy this time and mention that autotagging of flac files as been doable for a couple years now using the etree scripts.

There is one script called 'flacify' in the script set that among other things will automatically convert shn filesets to flac and if given a fairly standard (what the software calls etree compliant) .txt file will tag automatically. The magic of perl and regex at its finest. (If given a flac set, it will just tag the flacs)

My biggest problem is that a lot of the stuff I download rarely has track listings and the data programs are hungup on having tune names, when all I have is a bunch of unnamed improvisations so I have to massage the text files to get it to tag and I haven't taken the time to hack the perl to not need that requirement.

Another alternative would be if more folks supported hbx .

In my opinion a linear csv format would be inadequate, and you almost have to go with XML or another structured data format to maintain the flexibility to reasonably model the complexity that would really be useful.
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