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Old 2007-06-21, 02:00 AM
Re: Why Not Graphics/Text Scrolls added by author on show footage of DVD-videos

Originally Posted by freezer
And if you really don't like these imbedded messages, I suggest that on the next DVD that you film and author -- I suggest that you lead by example and don't include that imbedded graphic.

Take the high moral ground and lead by example....

Lead by example, you can do it, I'm betting that you can ......
If I ever film a show, or seed an uncirculated show, or author a show, it will be without any graphics or messages added by me on the performace footage/audio content of the show, guaranteed.

But there is no moral high ground, it is a free for all, right? It is all subjective? Rules are made to be broken? Put whatever the fuck you want on a DVD?

This is a no-win situation, isn't it?

Tapers are under no obligation to seed anything, but hoarding? Well, I have never understood that.