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Old 2005-07-02, 12:01 PM
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U2Lynne U2Lynne is offline
TTD Staff
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: California
New Tracker now Online

I just switched trackers for the site. This tracker will allow us to keep track of userstats. It's not a perfect system, but it will get us up and going for now until I can get a passkey type system worked out. For now, here's a FAQ about the new tracker:

I've been uploading/downloading for a while now and my stats aren't changing.
In order for the stats to update, you need to hit the Stop button on your client. Closing the bittorrent client without stopping the torrent first may cause the stats to not update, so please hit the Stop button before closing your bittorrent client.

Note: For BitTornado users, you must hit Cancel, not Pause, in order for the stats to update.

I don't see my name on the list of seeders/leechers.
If you aren't logged in, then only your IP address will be shown.

I see myself twice on the list of seeders/leechers.
Don't worry about this, it should go away within 30 minutes when the tracker updates itself.

My computer crashed and so my stats didn't update. What can I do about this?
Please send a PM to U2Lynne about this and she can update your stats.

What is a share ratio and where can I see mine?
A share ratio is the amount of data you've uploaded divided by the amount of data you've downloaded. Having a share ratio over 1.0 is a good thing since it means you've shared as much as you've downloaded.

Your share ratio is listed in three different places. It's in the upper right corner underneath your name. It's in your profile page. And, when you post, it shows up underneath your username.
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Last edited by outpostnorth; 2005-07-02 at 01:14 PM. Reason: deleting some misc. characters
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