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Old 2008-05-28, 08:52 PM
Voodoochild137 Voodoochild137 is offline
Rez Ipsa Loquitor
Join Date: Feb 2007

sent today:


Hello, this is Voodoochild137 from TTD. I hope you enjoy being banned for being such an asshole. I would not mind sending you a few DVDs for free, but you couldn't even be man enough to tell me you didn't want to send anything back. You are the slime of the earth, and I hope you eventually get what you deserve and someone rips you off for all you have stolen from others. It is Ironic that you chose to rip people off for such a pure musicians work. You call yourself a Stevie Ray Vaughan fan, I call you a thief. It is people like you who ruin the fun of trading with others. Fuck off you Croatian piece of shit.
