Thread: upload speeds
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Old 2006-01-22, 12:08 PM
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U2Lynne U2Lynne is offline
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Location: California
Re: upload speeds

You might want to run a speed test on your computer. Stop all your torrents before you do so. You can pick one from this list. When it tells you what you speed it, it is probably in terms of bits per second. You will need to divide that number by 8 in order to get Bytes per second (which is how bit torrent shows the speed).

Besides your ISP, you speed will depend on the number of seeds/leechers on a torrent. Also, it will depend on how much they are uploading (sometimes a person will hop on to help seed but set their upload so low that it hardly helps at all). And, then it will depend on how many torrents you are trying to download at the same time. And, whether you have your upload capped.
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