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Old 2007-05-16, 06:31 PM
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U2Lynne U2Lynne is offline
TTD Staff
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: California
Re: Is there an explicit ratio policy here?

This thread isn't going to be moved, however it is tempting to go prune out the non-ratio related posts in this thread.

What is there to write down? We currently do not ban anyone for low ratios, thus there is nothing that states "You Will Be Banned If Your Ratio Goes Below .XX". We've always emphasized sharing on this site in many different ways and that is what our response has always been in threads like this and it is even written on the front page of the site (I'm pretty sure). But, that doesn't mean users can't bring up the idea of banning for low ratios. They get frustrated when people leech and run and they should be allowed to talk about it cuz it IS frustrating! So, we discuss it and talk about why we don't ban for low ratios. Now, if things got to be really bad, and where that line is I don't know, then we may start to seriously think about banning for low ratios. But I don't currently see things being that bad.
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