Thread: What is a SBE?
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Old 2005-01-10, 09:48 PM
Tate Tate is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Re: What is a SBE?

I got a question about SBEs. Sometimes, when I work on my files, like deleting the ticks and pops at the start of the track (and they have no SBEs to begin with), I then notice with 'shntool' that the WAV file now has a SBE (that infamous -b- appears). So I run shntool fix on the file and the -b- is gone. But, when I look at the WAV closely with Cool Edit, and I zoom in at the end, I can see a little tiny flat line.

When the file has the SBE, I see no flat line at the end. But when I fix it, it appears. I don't understand why? It has happened to me a few times. Anyone know what the problem is?
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