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Old 2004-12-29, 12:49 AM
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Re: How to validate shntool md5s?

Originally Posted by deep_elem
Since most users are PC users the shntool md5 still remains impractical.

Yes I understand that a shntool md5 is the same as a flac fingerprint but since no one is actually archiving these shntool md5's ala I fail to see the benefit of using them over whole-file md5's when trading SHNs until such time as a verification tool for Windows users hits the market.
umm... for now, include the wholefile md5 as well, then when the PC app arrives and we're positive it works perfectly the old wholefile md5s can be dropped. Then people can verify versions of shows that have been converted a lot more reliably. Who would have guessed that SHNtool could rid the world of SHN??
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