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Old 2004-12-17, 03:59 PM
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feralicious feralicious is offline
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Re: Your system has recovered from a serious error

Oh, and even if it's in the coolest room, if it's constantly working and the airflow isn't too great, the components are going to heat up. How many fans do you have on the case? A lot of cases only have one in the back and if it's on all the time that may not be enough. It's good to have intake fans on the front and side/bottom and exhaust fans on the back ( and some have a blowhole on the top as well). So if you just have one on the back, make sure it's an exhaust fan and then if you have an open 5 1/2" bay you can add a fan unit that has 2-3 little intake fans in it and that will blow the cool air passt your drives and mobo and stuff absorbing the heat and the increased air flow will get the warm air out of your system faster.
feralicious goodies
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