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Old 2005-06-06, 10:22 PM
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U2Lynne U2Lynne is offline
TTD Staff
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: California
First it was a DDoS attack and then my power went out...

As for what happened today to the site, I guess first our host had a DDoS attack. Then, when they came back, our database was not letting anyone post. So, I rebooted that server (we have two servers now) and it didn't want to come back online. So, I put in a Support Ticket and then.... a huge *pop* was heard very close by and our power went out. I stepped out on the balconey to see what happened and a fire was starting in a tree across a nearby street. Called 911, firetrucks arrive, talk to neighbor.... a branch in the tree had fallen onto a high power line and caused the power outage. Three hours later.... my power comes back on and I try to find out what's up. The site is still down but I can finally ping the second server. However, mysql is throwing errors all over. I looked into that problem and finally got it fixed.

Bottom line, we are back up and I hate servers more than ever. Anyone want to be my Server Admin?
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