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Old 2022-10-26, 08:27 PM
frank carson frank carson is offline
Join Date: Sep 2018
Re: Folks waiting on seeders, be patient

Originally Posted by xavier242 View Post
Heh. Well I'm not known for being original. That's what I'm writing. Realistically it's going to take me few months as I don't have a lot of time to work on it. It's going to take torrent files and match them up with the pre-hashed files from your music archive folder(s), then copy the data to your download folder exactly as how it appeared when you downloaded it, based on the data in the torrent file. After a period of time (user settable), it'll delete the data.

If I knew how to use github, I might put it there. I have no issue publishing the source (and will do so), but very few code in Object Pascal with Lazarus. I'm not a fan of Visual Studio (yes I know the guy who created Delphi also created C#). Plus I want this to be cross platform without too much work.

I've already filled all the requests that I can fill via the manual PITA process, but this will be quite useful for others wanting seed from their archive.

I apologize if my very brief response was misunderstood, i just thought i was being efficient

I wasn't deriding your efforts but rather pointing out that i've already written a tool (in cross-platform java) to do exactly what you are talking about thats usable today; unless its an academic exercise for yourself or an excuse to write code, then i can't argue with that

I've only recently shared it over on LosslessLegs and i cross-posted that info to TTD this evening in response to your efforts around seeding more torrents etc.

In your own words (emphasis added) "I've already filled all the requests that I can fill via the *manual PITA process*, but this will be quite useful for others wanting seed from their archive."
Thats why i wrote these tools for myself to do exactly what you have described and why i shared them over on LL so i wanted to socialize them here also.

If the strategy is to get more torrents seeded and the tactic is to make it easier for people to reseed (preferably via automation), then here's a tool that helps.
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