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Old 2004-12-18, 12:37 PM
Re: Your system has recovered from a serious error

I probably should get the new version of adaware, since it doesn't look like they've updated the reference file for 6.0 since the end of October and they probably never will. The 5.8.7 version of Shadow's Bit Torrent client I use is also old, and I could update that as well. So far though its looking like a lack of hard drive maintenence was causing my problems. Drive was horribly, horribly fragmented. Trying to recall when I last did a defrag or checked the hard drive for errors, and I can't. May not have done it since I bought the PC a year ago. Shame on me, but at least let me serve as an example to the rest of ya. I let my system go to shit for so long that it was getting to the point where I couldn't even run torrents.

Oh, and current PC temp is 87 degrees. Still think the temperature monitoring software is cool.
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