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Old 2008-01-11, 07:28 AM
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rosc2112 rosc2112 is offline
Music of the Spheres
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Poconos
Re: Got the call from Comcast !

The nefarious "they" called me a couple of days ago claiming I've downloaded 500 gigs the last month! WOO go me! lol

I think they're full of shit, I don't think I could download 500 gigs in a month even going full-throttle 24/7!

I'm preparing a letter to be sent to the local franchise board, ftc & fcc, along with comcrap's top brass, since I'm basically being put under threat and accused of abuse when they've produced no guidelines or evidence of wrong-doing.

During the conversation with the very rude ahole on the phone, he kept making inferences but nothing specific, so of course I'm not going to volunteer information they could use against me, I just act stupid If they don't want to reveal details, I'm not going to offer speculation for them to use against me.

I asked several times to explain, and to tell me what they want me to do to fix the problem, never got an answer, just the vague implication that if I continue using the network (as provided) I'd be terminated. The end of the conversation was me telling the rude twerp I'm sorry to hear that comcast treats its customers that way, and there's other isp's in the area so, whatever. I can't fix when they refuse to tell me what the problem is.

Upon doing a bit of research, the GB limits are becoming standard in many isp's tos/aup. So far, Sprint EVDO seems to be the only one offering "unlimited" downloads on their broadband. That'll be my next venture once comcrap violates my contract with them by terminating me without proof of wrong-doing.

The day of data quotas is here my friends.
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