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Old 2011-05-21, 03:46 AM
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jabulon jabulon is offline
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Re: Questions about Superseeding

Hope this picture wil help you find the superseeding option:

Originally Posted by tgunn2760 View Post
If I understood this right, super seeding should get you a higher upload speed because the initial seeder (in this case me) would seed only to the leecher with the highest upload speed. And he in turn would upload to the rest of the swarm.
Nope. Superseeding is a feature that attempts to minimize the amount of data which must be uploaded by the original seed until the first completion of a downloading peer. So it is about the amount of data being transmitted and not about upload speed. The intent of strictly limiting the uploading of duplicate pieces is that a super seeder will upload fewer bits than a standard seeder before peers begin to complete, though it does not necessarily mean that the initial seed will complete in less time. Duration until the first completion of a downloader during a super seed is limited by the upload rate of the peers connected to the super seeder.

If you have a spare moment I would recommend this site as a read:
Dubbin' is a must. Strictly add music!
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