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Old 2011-04-26, 08:36 PM
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co9ol co9ol is offline
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: GTA Ontario, Canada
Re: Looking for a good home: Opera Collection from 60s and 70s

As to how to use it, you'll have to ask someone here that has a reel to reel. But as to "building a contraption to capture to PC" that's not really something you can build. You'll have to A: buy an audio card for a desktop computer that'll allow for high quality audio, B: buy an external device that will allow the same thing, or C: get someone you know to do it for you or borrow their equipment.

Basically you want something that will convert the analogue audio to digital with out making it sound different.

PS i looked up AKAI deck's and noticed some models had Dolby B noise reduction. If your deck has that, check to see if the tapes have any indication that it was used. If it was, flip it back on for playback and the signal should sound less noisy.
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