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Old 2009-01-06, 05:40 PM
mbself mbself is offline
Join Date: Jul 2005
Re: What computer hardware/software to use to get cassete to computer?

One thing to keep in mind is that the person who does it for a living is going to see things differently than someone who is a hobbyist or is trying to save a buck. I have learned a lot about audio transfers from this site and sites like it. I have learned a lot on my on through trial and error. I know more about it than most of my friends in the real world. I know less about it than most of my friends here in the "not real world".

If someone who paints homes for a living were to see me use my walmart nylon bristled paint brush to paint some base molding in my bedroom they would look at me like i was crazy and insist that I need a $40 Purdy from Home Depot.

If a carpenter saw me use my $15 black and decker hammer they would insist that I use the $80 Estwing with anti-shock grip and vibration absorbing tuned blah, blah blah......

The point is they are your know what they are worth in time, money and effort. I think you have a good sampling of equipment, techniques and budgets represented in this forum. But, if you have an uncirculated zeppelin show....lets find someone who really knows what they are doing. I
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