Thread: st5 question
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Old 2015-10-20, 05:58 PM
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spidergawd spidergawd is offline
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Re: st5 question

Hard to say for sure, but sometimes when you check an ffp file, it simply verifies that the checksums in the ffp file match the checksums in the flac headers. To see if the files have become corrupt, you can run a flac "test" function "flac -t *.flac" which will basically re-compute the checksums and check if they match the checksums in the header. Generally speaking, the checksums in the ffp file should be the same as those in an st5 file, and it sounds like the software you used actually did a flac "test" type of check for the st5 and a simple comparison of the ffp file. Or something like that (even I'm having a hard time understanding the mumbo jumbo I've just typed, and I knew what I was thinking when I typed it).
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