Thread: Azaureus tips
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Old 2005-08-30, 02:52 AM
smr smr is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: San Diego
Re: Azaureus tips

Thats crap! Did you really see it say that? It's hog-wash!

Setting up ANY BT client is easy so long as you pay attention and set it up correctly.
First thing, ditch any of the new versions and get
Versions above that are CPU hogs in MANY cases.Notice I didnt say ALL

Second, know what you have blocking you from a direct connection.Be it a firewall and/or router.
There are many links showing how to set up most routers and firewalls.
Another thing to know is your ACTUAL IP ADDRESS
You can get that by using command prompt and typing ipconfig and it will be the FIRST IP number you see.This is the ACTUAL IP OF YOUR COMPUTER that the router/firewall see's

You can get all the info you need HERE
It may take a few try's and a few times reading it over again to understand it, but you'll get it.
It really isnt that hard to get your BT client working.
Im behind a wireless Linksys with firewall and as many security settings as I can have and was getting an Iron Maiden show the other day at OVER 500kb/s
Granted I am on 7MB cable, but for the average, I get around 60-150kb/s depending on the situation.
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