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Old 2007-11-07, 11:13 AM
Re: How to split FLAC files ???

Originally Posted by Five
ps I don't put eq and all that jazz on hobby-related tapes, I just try to keep them as accurate as I can to the original master recording.
Sorry. I don't get what you mean. Do you mean that it's better to leave an original - let's say - FM recording as it is?

If I got you right, I have an opposite experience. I once recorded a live show and in this case by a live show I mean it was happening exactly the same time as it was broadcasted - so them nice technicians didn't compress the sound, not much anyway. The same show was then broadcasted later and the difference was huge. The second broadcast was compressed so much it was almost "flat" compared to the original live broadcast. Because I knew the band, their sound and had the original broadcast as reference point I could EQ few missing songs from the second broadcast - IMO - sounding pretty much the same as on the original live broadcast. Ahyhow, I couldn't tell the difference after EQ'ing.

And thanks for your views on Audacity etc. Much appreciated.

Right now I'm fighting with EAC configuration to get it absolutely right according the link you've attached in your posts. It's pretty profound dive into the debts of EAC! Thanks for that link!

Sorry, my bubble is getting a bit too far away how to split Flac files.
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