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Old 2005-01-17, 07:57 PM
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Jskibum Jskibum is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Question Re: Burning DVD Backups

Originally Posted by katnapz
Repeat after me:
Burn To The Brim
Burn To The Brim
Burn To The Brim

If you want to get the maximum bang for your buck with using up as much room as possible on a disc I'd recommend this program. It'll take whatever folders/files you have...and figure out the jigsaw puzzle of what needs to be burned to take the maximum amount of space up on your DVD. I just finished up doing the transfer of "thousands" of lossless CD's to DVD a couple months ago and it was invaluable to me for this, not to mention the time saved from me trying to do this myself (and I still use it). Usually as long as I had about 5-6 gigs worth of shows in a folder it would figure out the best way to rack and stack them....but most of the time while transferring I kept about 20-30 gigs available as a pool.
With a reference to the thread I put up about collection database programs...once I had all the DVD's burned (which took me about 3-4 months), it only took me about a day and a half to input all the DVD's into my database (using the program I use). I'm still sweeping up some of the rough parts to make it "prettier" but at least everything's there.

EDIT: WIth a note to RD's comment about getting as close to 3.7 gigs...Burn To The Brim will let you specify that amount too
Would you mind sharing your DVD settings in Burn to the Brim? I downloaded it and played around with CDs, but there aren't default settings for DVDs yet and I need to archive about 150 Gigs of music offline so that would be a great help to know how to do it correctly.

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