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Old 2006-05-22, 04:31 PM
Re: Not Brand Spankin', but Still A Noob...

Hello, and thanks again, you guys are already a huge help.

When I insert this test CD into my drive, a screen pops up showing 17 FLAC files. When I try to open that disc with EAC, it does come up as one track, with this small icon that kind of looks like a piece of note paper (with a corner "dog earred". I was assuming that this was because the files were all compressed, and burned with no gaps. I hope that is correct. It seemed pretty strange to me as well.

Yes, this test FLAC disc that I burned will not work in my normal player, which I took as a good sign, like I actually got something right (HA!). I have been thinking of a way to catalog all of these encoded files externally, and will probably be using CDR's. I figured out how to convert back to WAV, so I can listen to these bootlegs away from my computer.

I guess my biggest concern is maintaining the integrity of the music. I know that FLAC is lossless, but I wasn't sure if I needed some kind of software that would extract FLAC files exactly, as EAC extracts audio files exactly. It seems as though data can be transferred a lot easier than audio. Well, maybe not easier, but with fewer mistakes.

Again, I'm running on assumptions and educated guesses based on the little knowledge that I have.

Thanks again for all of your help!!!!

Ellen =)
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