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Old 2006-05-11, 01:58 AM
jazzbo jazzbo is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Re: Mac guide to downloading and viewing...

In addition to the discussion about Cog and other players for Macs, the Xiph group is working on QT plugins for their formats:

The effect of this is that it would allow support for playing the files in iTunes.

Here comes the bad news, while it has flac support, it currently only supports ogg flac* and not "native" flac which is what everyone is familiar with. I was playing around with it tonight and couldn't even get it to play anything correctly so some work has to be done (To create flac files in ogg containers, you pass the flac encoder the --ogg switch)

Does anyone know if iTunes supports gapless playback -- I haven't used it much yet.

*Note that ogg is a container not a format, so these files are still lossless. What most people call "ogg" files, are actually vorbis files in an ogg container.
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