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Old 2007-05-29, 05:47 PM
Help with Normalizing in Sound Forge

I desperately need some help with normalization in Sound Forge.

1) What is the difference between peak normalization and RMS normalization? Does peak normalization raise the highest peak to "0" and all other peaks to an appropriate number relative to the "0" peak? RMS seems to work so much better for live recordings, but I just don't understand it.

2) What is the difference between normalizing and just using the "Volume" selection under "Process" to add gain to the recording?

3) Why under RMS normalization does the "Music" preset recommend normalizing to -16db? Don't I want the music to peak at "0"? When I use the preset, the wave looks like it does peak at "0" after the normalization is complete. Why is that?

4) Sometimes when I use the normalization feature it sounds like the sound is compressed afterward in certain loud spots. How can I normalize to the loudest possible degree without clipping or compressing the sound?

I know these are a lot of questions, and I greatly appreciate any help in any/all of them. I have been taping for about 9 years now, but I used to use the old-school analog EQ into a standalone burner to "master" recordings (my mastering usually doesn't extend beyond trying to get the levels hitting appropriately). I have just jumped into the school of SF, and I think I'm doing OK. I've done about 10 shows so far (off MD), and some of them have turned out perfect. The above questions stem from some issues I've had with those that haven't. Thanks.
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