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Old 2008-01-11, 04:21 PM
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Kstyle Kstyle is offline
welcome to the water ball
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: planet earth
Re: THe Death of High Fidelity...

Y'all need to get out and hear REAL music LIVE music.
NO RECORDING EVER can compare to a real instrument in front of you.
See any band in a small club (free of the modern pos digital PA's) and you will hear what music should sound like. I always try to get front center to hear the instrument instead of the mic'ed instrument.
This is also why jazz rules, and why acoustic bands like Oregon are so sweet.
Truly, mics and speakers are the beginning of the problem, necessary though they maybe.
All the more reason to support your local bands, and hear them at their best, ie as un-amplified as possible.
PS I still love my old Ariston and my vinyl and my AKG-701s, but when I need true sound I pick up a guitar or go see a band live. The rest is just a reasonable (or not) facsimile.
Overtones floating from the instrument excite my ears the most.
have a good time, all the time
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