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Old 2005-12-26, 06:04 PM
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U2Lynne U2Lynne is offline
TTD Staff
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: California
Re: How Do I Find Which Ports Are Open - Simply ?

Here is a list of Commonly Open Ports. You can just google 'open ports' and find a bunch of lists or tools to find which are open for your system.

However, what you need to do is just decide which ports you want to have open (commonly suggested for bittorrent is 6881-6889) and then tell both Azureus and your router which ones you plan to use. I remember someone else recommending using ports over 50000. I actually use 55000-55005 (I think, I can't remember exactly, but something like that). I think you are pretty safe picking ports above 50000 and below 60000 or so.

Azureus really only needs one port. Go to Options -> Transfer and then check the option to Allow multiple connections from same IP.

And, no, that isn't really my back.
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