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Old 2012-02-18, 11:03 AM
hans voight hans voight is offline
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: northern california
Re: Best bang for the buck software for synching audio to vids?

thanks jabulon. just from reading source info i did know that re: conversion, and i guess my question was too vague/cart ahead of horse. (my OS's are XP and vista). here's the story:

someone contacted me a while back through my youtube channel (burningshoreprophet) and asked me if i wanted a VHS copy of phish 12.29.93, full show but unknown source/gen. he isnt stressed about getting the tape back, so i said sure. he wants me to share in full show format on YT. no problem. and i have always wanted to tackle this kind of project. its pretty sweet given the unknown lineage.

As soon as i started asking around for audio sources/if someone would torrent, etc, somebody else uploaded this show to youtube without the upgraded audio/chopped up into tracks (it looks to me like its the same video). a kind brother did get back to me and i downloaded 2 sources from him: to my ears the shnid #2625 (neumann) sounds the best (also have #33300).

i also have a super sweet los lobos show on VHS that im positive is uncirculated but torrenting it would piss ppl off, so thats more of a private share deal. So... unless people start sending me tapes im really looking at only 2 projects, not sure how much i would need to spend to do it right.

thanks again in advance for any help/addtl info.
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