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Old 2008-02-28, 04:46 PM
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cicada cicada is offline
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Re: AARGH...firewalled

Maybe Lynn or someone else can answer your specific question. I realize this is more generic (but I hope it helps). I wish I could help with your specific router issue and I don’t know much about Vista. I should stress that this is my experience (and my opinion). Here is a list of what I believe is needed to open up and turn on (not just the issue with tweaking your router).

1. The first thing I did was to set up a static IP. I trust you that you got that part covered. I used this site to steer me

2. Be sure to open up the firewall (I have windows xp). I started googling “vista firewall howto” and found lots of hits. Maybe someone could post a link for you?

3. Regarding port forwarding on my router, I discovered that I would need the DNS Server # from my ip... so, I called them. Once I had those numbers, I was good to go. However; you might try to find the DNS Numbers on your own before calling your ip.

4. Don’t forget to force encryption (my client is Utorrent, does your client have this option)?

5. Choose an optimal port number ... something in the 40000 or 50000 range ... after you plug it into your router settings and save , make sure the port is enabled in the xp (Vista) firewall, and then make sure your torrent client has the same port as windows and the router . All 3 should have the same port enabled .

Good luck! :P
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