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Old 2020-12-17, 05:22 PM
xjsb125 xjsb125 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Bristol, VA
Re: What's the best software for cleaning up/enhancing old recordings?

All of those will do most anything you need, but it requires a lot of time and research on how to use the tools within them. Cleaning up and enhancing recordings is a very subjective process, as you are doing it to fit your ears. Whether that means utilizing compression, amplification, equalization, or a multitude of other methods is dependent upon you and what you want and/or are attempting to hear. There are things you just won't be able to do with a recording. If the peak of the audio is blown out, you can't very easily make it quieter. If it's too quiet, you can make it louder to a degree. I think all of us would recommend that whatever program you feel is the most user-friendly to you, stick with that and learn about the tools within it. For all of the programs you mentioned, there is a wealth of information available on various taper sites, audio engineering sites, and YouTube.

Personally I've used Audition for the last 14 years and it is what I'm most familiar with.

What functions exactly are you looking for in your software?
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