Thread: ffp help
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Old 2006-09-19, 02:04 AM
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Re: ffp help

Originally Posted by Five
something to realize about FLAC and ffp is that every FLAC file contains one ffp checksum in its header. so testing a ffp just reads what's in the ffp file and compares it to what's in the header of each FLAC file in the list, without checking anything else. In order to truely check the FLAC files, test mode must be used, which decompresses the audio in each FLAC file and compares it to what it written in its own header as being the correct checksum. st5 also checks the decompressed audio data, but not against the checksum in the header but rather against what is written in the st5 file (which is a txt file like a ffp).

is that confusing enough?

in a nutshell, testing via ffp is not enouh, also use test mode on FLAC files, or test using st5 and ffp for full verification.
Originally Posted by Five
perhaps I didn't make it clear... ffp verification is of very little value for testing files, it is mainly a way of identifying filesets. if you want to test the files you burned you have to run either test mode or st5 verification (md5 will also work but is no longer in common use for audio sets).
This is a very common misunderstanding if/when you're using Trader's Little Helper. If you've selected Full Verify in the Preferences section (this is the default setting in the lastest release, in the previous release you have to check the box on the Verify ... page) each flac file will be decoded, the fingerprint for the decoded audio data will be re-calculated, and the re-calculated checksum will be checked a) against the fingerprint stored in the header of the flac file and b) against the fingerprint given in the checksum file. So there is absolutely no need to test the flac files (testing a flac file means doing all the steps already done during verification, that is decoding, re-calculating the checksum of the raw audio data, and comparing the checksum to that stored in the flac file header).

@tendernip99: You really should read the manual as I told you ...

Last edited by roann; 2006-09-19 at 02:13 AM.
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