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Old 2006-11-26, 11:31 AM
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roblov roblov is offline
Join Date: Oct 2006
A proposal to try to improve torrents' performance

Hi. I'm currently seeding a DVD of Dire Straits in Basel. The situation in this torrent is this (according to the info on the tracker): there are two seeders (without connection problems) and seven peers (five of them with connection problems, in this case, badly configured ports.) This, as you surely know, diminishes the overall performance of the swarm.

To help improve the swarm performance, i've written a post on this torrent's thread kindly asking the people with these connection problems to solve them in order to improve the swarm performance. However, i found they hardly (if ever) log in to the tracker and, as a consequence, they don't see my post.

So, my proposal is this: allow a given seeder of a torrent to send a collective e-mail to the people he considers to be hurting the swarm perfomance by checking a box next to their user name to select their e-mail address. This has the advantage that all the people the seeder wants to communicate to, are contacted by sending one e-mail only. Besides, i guess it is quite correct to assume that these people will check their mail folder in a more frequent manner than the TTD threads from which they ared downloading shows. The drawback of this method is that not everyone wants to receive messages from other users and so some people may be unreachable.

Well, these are just some thoughts to help with this trading community. Opinions and other proposals are welcome, of course. By the way, i'm not trying to interfere with any of the mods tasks on this site. I'm just suggesting a possible way for ordinary users to help them make this a better site.


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