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Old 2007-10-10, 03:52 PM
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sihinka sihinka is offline
Join Date: Jul 2007
Angry Anyone have Clearwire as their ISP?

I didn't know about their bandwidth throttling before I got the service. I had never had prior concerns with speed with my UTorrent 1.6. When I first had the service, the speeds were OK. Now the D/L speed maxes out at half of my usual speed (but usually flails along to less than that), and my U/L capability is so beyond pathetic now that my ratio is going down the crapper fast. When U/L I make contact with a peer for about 15 seconds and max out somewhere around 4-5 kB/s before it inevitably slides back to zero. After doing this pattern for a short while, I can't make any more contact.

Has anyone had any success getting around the throttling issue? By recommendation, I use Tor for anonymity, but that hasn't helped. And no, calling Clearwire and begging them to open a port for whatever reason won't work. I have Windows Vista, and the TCP/IP patches that are released to set the connections limit are long obsolete (they need to be updated with each new Vista security update, but no one seems to be keeping the patch up-to-date to counter each update).

If you didn't know already, torrent users need to stay away from Clearwire.
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