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Old 2013-09-23, 11:25 AM
Re: What's with Hungercity again?

Originally Posted by 20YearsAgo View Post
Very fishy. The other day, one of the mods (Erik?) sent a PM to all HC users asking that they NOT make donations. I wish I had saved that PM, but the gist was that there were some kinks in the donation system platform they were trying to work out.
Yeah. It was Erik Snow who sent the PM (I did save the PM, but, obviously, I can't retrieve it at this time). There was also a dummy torrent that had been "seeded" before (or about the time) that the PM was sent. The text on the torrent's announcement page instructed people not to donate to HC, and the front page, that is used to solicit donations, was also changed to say that we should not donate at this time.

IIRC, the PM and the two posts made at HC made no direct reference to kinks in the donation system: they said that there were issues that needed to be resolved. Mister Snow did not say what those issues were, although it seems (and has seemed) to me to be quite apparent they are.

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