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Old 2006-11-07, 07:41 AM
Emmett T. Jones Emmett T. Jones is offline
Join Date: Oct 2006
Re: Tracker Status: OK (dht:)

Originally Posted by U2Lynne
It means you have dht turned on. This isn't always a good thing. If you are connected to someone via DHT, then that means the tracker is no longer 'in-the-loop'. Which in turn means stats don't get updated for any data transferred between you and the other person via dht (at least, this is my understanding of the end result. I turn DHT off in Azureus (look up decentralized tracking in the option menu).
Altering the DHT setting in Azureus shows up in a couple of places:

1) Under the "connection" section there is a bullet under peer sources that is default set to "decentralized tracking"

2) Under the "sharing" section there is a bullet choice between "allow decentralized tracking when tracker is unavailable" and "private torrent - only accept peers from the tracker"

3) Also in the "sharing" section there is a pop-up under "protocol for shared resources" and the choices are "decentralized" (the default), UDP, HTTP and HTTP (ssl)

I'm not sure which ones to set. I turned off the bullet mentioned in (1) but the seed is still seeding and the tracker status is still "OK (dht)". I also clicked the bullet mentioned in (2) to "private torrent". The only thing I haven't altered is the pop-up because I'm not sure what to set it too -- UDP, HTTP or HTTP (ssl).

Any suggestions?

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