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Old 2005-12-29, 06:10 PM
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Chachi420 Chachi420 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2005
Re: MPEG-4 Audio Lossless is served

Originally Posted by alchemy71085
Actually forget the headphones, I can tell with regular speakers too.

The human ear is capable of hearing frequncies up to 20 Hz. So when a lossy codec compresses a wave form and takes out all of the frequencies over 15 or 16 Hz, it becomes obvious very quickly that something is missing from the sound.
actually, a good ear can hear down to 16 Hz or even down to 12 Hz. My Sony Studio Professional headphones go down to 10 Hz and at that point it just sounds like 10 beats per second and not really any sort of 'sound'. I really recommend those Sony's btw
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