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Old 2006-10-17, 12:05 AM
ghostshadow ghostshadow is offline
Join Date: Oct 2006
FLAC to MP3 or WMA problems

Alright, I've got AudioConverter set up on my computer. Windows Media Player developers in their infinite wisdom have obviously not included FLAC as a known file to play or to burn on a CD or transfer to an MP3 player. Thus my problem. I'm trying to convert rather large FLAC files into either mp3 or wav files. Problem being that AudioConverter does not entirely convert the file. I can only get the first 10 seconds of every song converted. I've got SWITCH as well and that does nothing, it comes up with some random error halfway through the conversion. Is there any reccomended programs I can try or is there a way to go into AudioConverter and change the settings around so it converts my entire file? Help is greatly appreciated!!!
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