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Old 2006-03-18, 12:08 PM
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range_hood range_hood is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
AccurateRip plugin for EAC (including offset detection)

What it does:
The philosophy behind AccurateRip is quite simple - each time an audio track is ripped (recorded by computer) it is compared with rips from other people, this allows a confidence report to be generated. The report might say that 4 other people had exactly the same results, this would guarantee your rip was without error, or the report could say that 3 other people disagree with your rip, the likely hood is that your CD has a scratch and should be cleaned.
This also includes a database for drives offsets. After installing it manages the Read offset correction.
I tested it with my two older DVD drives (Toshiba, LG) and it gave them the same values as determined with the old school way described here:

AccurateRip works with EAC version 0.95 prebeta 5 and up.
To get EAC:
To get AccurateRip:

I don't know how it works with drives not in it's database but the program has a routine for determining the offsets by putting in some "keydiscs" as far as I read. AccurateRip does have more discs of my own collection in it's database than EACs built-in has.
There's also an user upload feature. At their site they state the database is updated every two weeks.

Anyone tried this plugin yet?

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