Thread: md5 failure?
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Old 2007-04-22, 07:36 PM
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katnapz katnapz is offline
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Re: md5 failure?

trustthex, I downloaded this show way back in Sep 2003 in SHN format. I looked at the file names from then and now and they're different so I'll guess someone reripped this from discs and didn't do a SHN>FLAC conversion from the ones posted back then.

I just downloaded tracks 102, 103, 202, 203, and 402. They all pass the parity (par2) check and they all pass md5 verification through MKWact. Do these tracks pass for you as well? Let me know a specific track or two that don't pass for you and I'll grab them to test.
You could have a problem with your system that you need to be looking into if you're showing bad results and I'm not. You've got an easy test with me trying the same thing (I don't mind downloading a couple tracks) so take advantage of it.
Get back to me when you can.
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