Thread: utorrent 1.82
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Old 2009-03-17, 12:02 AM
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Re: utorrent 1.82

Originally Posted by drkhollow View Post
error message is :cannot load. torrent file/c/my documents/downloads/then file name.
was poking around utorrent forums and found several references but not a solution that works for me; uninstalled and reinstalled etc. etc. and still a butt-load of problems. never had one before but this is new and not fun
ok, I have tested uTorrent 1.82 and there are no problems with it at all. I also don't notice it looking different.

I think the problem you are having is related to your OS being configured incorrectly for handling .torrent files.

Trying saving the .torrent from this site, then open that folder and right-click on the .torrent file. Choose "open with..." and choose "uTorrent" from the list. If it isn't there, browse to uTorrent.exe from that window. Most importantly, be sure to check the box that says "always open files of this type with this program" or similar.

The goal is to reset what windows is doing with files using the .torrent extension. Let me know if the torrent opens this way once you do that.
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