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Old 2005-06-17, 03:17 PM
Re: Trader's Little Helper


This is an excellent tool for those who get intimidated by command line programs like Shntool. The only program that I know that actually verifies sd5 and ffp files.

There's a couple of things that could be changed in the future (might have already been mentioned in the thread, not sure).

1. When you drag and drop files to any tab the program automatically changes to the decoding tab. Draggind and dropping is great for e.g. checking for SBEs for all your collection (by e.g. doing an explorer search for .flac and then dragging them all onto the program and then the same for .shn and .ape or whatever).

2. Please make a) the main window b) the individual parts (e.g. the log area) resizable. When you have hundreds of files to check it's a bit irritating to only see the results for ten or so files at a time.

3. I can't remember whether it asked if it should associate itself with .sd5 .md5 and .ffp extensions but if not - please make it ask first! There's nothing more irritating in the world than programs that steal extensions without giving you the option to choose first (oh the horrors of Real Player!). This is not a problem for sd5 or ffp but some people might have other programs for the md5 extension.

Anyway excellent work so far! Cheers
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