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Old 2006-11-02, 08:28 PM
chewie420 chewie420 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2005
radio broadcasts tradeable?

i remember this coming up once before at etree, concering the keller's cellar radio shows, and as far as i know it was decided they were tradeable since they were public domain (or something like it) since they were transmited over the air. does anyone know anything about this? a local radio station near me in NJ, the past few halloweens put together this really cool thing where they took the original war of the worlds broadcast and mixed pink floyd songs in with it. well, this year my friend taped it for me, and i was wondering if i could seed it here? or at least offer it as a b&p here? it should be allowed i would imagine, since anyone could have taped it. or i could be totally wrong, which is why i'm asking. anyone????
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