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Old 2022-07-18, 12:27 PM
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roann roann is offline
TTD Staff
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Planet Earth
Re: Trader's Little Helper

I am currently working on a new version of TLH (v3.0.0), which will include Unicode support (as far as possible), a new feature for audio file tagging, support for the WavPack codec, a new feature for spectral analysis of audio files, and a user manual, in addition to some improvements.

Unfortunately, it turned out that programming all these features takes much more time than I expected. And then there's Murphy's Law....

So, in the hope that enough people will be found who would like to test the program, there will be some alpha and beta versions in the next months (the current 3.0.0 alpha 1 can be downloaded from the TLH homepage now). Any comments, suggestions, requests, bug reports, questions, whatever, will be greatly appreciated!

BTW, alpha and beta versions are always installed and can be used in parallel with an already installed 2.x.x version (the already existing one is not deleted/upgraded but remains untouched).
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