Thread: 5 DVD torrent
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Old 2020-06-23, 07:48 AM
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Gunkster Gunkster is offline
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Location: New Jersey, USA
Re: 5 DVD torrent

Allow me to answer my own question in case someone doesn't agree. This is from the TTD FAQ. I went there for other info but found the answer to me original question:

4. All torrents must contain a complete seed. Spanning a single set over multiple seeds is not permitted.
To eliminate confusion, all torrents uploaded must be as a complete set. This means that two disc sets must be seeded together. Reseeds must contain the complete material, not split across multiple seeds. If a certain "fixed" track is posted, the seed must contain the entire "fixed" set with the changed material included. If peers have already completed much of the set, then they can connect to the complete torrent and it will check the files that are already complete and only re-download the changed tracks. To keep the tracker clean and so that people don't have to continually check back for fixes or the completion of set, everything must be seeded as a complete torrent the first time. If you attempt to post single "fixed" tracks or multi-disc sets in parts, your thread will be removed and you will be asked to make a complete seed.
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