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Old 2006-02-01, 11:31 PM
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Location: California
Re: Uberleech issues

Originally Posted by funkphish
I have a problem with chumps with extremely bad share ratios, especially when they try to participate in many torrents at once. They slow things down for everyone.
Some people are just plain clueless. I would say something in your torrent thread like 'those of you downloading more than 2 shows when you don't have a fast connection are going to get blocked from me since you are slowing down the swarm'. Sometimes that clues them in, sometimes not.
Originally Posted by funkphish
My question is, is it bad form to permanantly block these chumps?
I have blocked people before. When I'm seeding and a bunch of people are firewalled - I'll block them so I can seed to those that are sharing. Or, if I see that someone has hardly uploaded anything, I'll block them. I don't know if that's bad form or not, but sometimes it needs to be done to get the show out faster so there are more seeds.
Originally Posted by funkphish
Another question, how and who are the torrenters who show up on the tracker with no user infos?
I have noticed many of these ip's fall into the uberleech category.
They are either users who don't belong to this site but got the torrent from someone and are downloading, or they are someone who uses an ISP like AOL where they get new IPs everytime they log on (and thus the tracker gets confused about who they are), or they are a user who is seeding from one computer and then logging on to the site from another (like both work and home).
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