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Old 2008-11-08, 04:32 PM
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Branston Branston is offline
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Re: Mandatory screenshots?

Often when I've seen a snippet posted on Youtube there's been a disclaimer saying that the Youtube clip is lower resolution / lossy / whatever, and that the real files are better quality. But sure, you can see if the show is filmed from behind a pillar or whatever so it does help

Screenshots can help too, but they can also be taken with the DVD being played in a smaller window to give a misleading indication of the picture quality.

Personally speaking I'd leave things as they are. If someone posts a Youtube clip or screenshots, great. I'll always appreciate them and check them out. But I'd hate to see a show pulled for not having screenshots attached.

Anyway, if you want to see exactly what the quality of a DVD is going to be like you can do it pretty quickly by opening the first few minutes of what you've downloaded in VLC player. And that way WYS is really IWYG.
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