Thread: please help
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Old 2007-08-24, 06:01 PM
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U2Lynne U2Lynne is offline
TTD Staff
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: California
Re: please help

You are probably using a bittorrent client that does not conform to the bittorrent specs that were originally written regarding torrent clients. It probably announces more often than necessary and/or doesn't give all the information the tracker is expecting so it thinks you are a 'new' user everytime.

What client are you using? What OS? Azureus and uTorrent are both recommend since they work well with just about any tracker.

edit: oh wow, you aren't kidding! Could you have given out your personalized torrent? You are currently listed on that torrent under three different IPs (but all under an 'unspecified' client, which makes me think it is you but that something is wonky).
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