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Old 2009-06-10, 03:07 PM
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U2Lynne U2Lynne is offline
TTD Staff
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: California
Re: Your Seeding Opportunities - Options?

That page, Your Seeding Opportunities, shows a list of all shows you have downloaded that have some leechers. So, just because you are seeding the show doesn't take it off that list. It is order by seeders, so the shows at the top have the least amount of seeders.

Also, the tracker only recognizes you seeding 10 shows. So, any more than that and it's not going to show you. You should try to only seed a few shows that need a seed. If you seed many shows at once, then you are seeding at a very slow rate. It's usually better to seed a couple of shows at a high rate than several shows at a slow rate.
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